Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to increase your website traffic Visibli in 5 minutes flat

visibli traffic in 5 minutes flatToday on my to-do list:

1. Search for the ultimate traffic guide something.

2. Skim through it.

3. feel guilty, that have not been given the proper attention and slowly to peruse through.

4. leave the long-winded comment tells you how incredibly helpful guide was a blogger.

5. click the "save for later" button.

6. feel guilty, that is not always the world to give these ideas a shot.

7. go back to my blog and complain that I have not done much today, have a direct impact on my business.

Tomorrow my to-do list:

1. Save my to-do list yesterday; Rinse and repeat.

OR ...

Take the next 5 minutes * ** in practice a simple traffic generation techniques, which is very fast and a positive effect on traffic generation today.

** * Results were tested by a professional blogger is to produce an epic content and are in no way guarantees results.

How does that sound?

Let's get to work!

By the way, this video is a groundbreaking new "skinny" notes "series.

Lean the Notes is about efficiency and results-precise and point traffic generation ideas, that will increase your website traffic today.

Get lean, cut the fluff, in other words.

SHOULD subscribe to my new YOUTUBE CHANNEL to be the first to know about upcoming lean videos:

Subscribe to my YT Channel

See you there!

It seems that some people, like my friend James Hussey :) , are not ready to live lean notes in the fast lane and some hand-holding.

The bar offers a way to keep the commitment to Visibli-readers after sharing external links; both through social media and blog.

And no, it's not at all like the Hello bar.

For example, suppose you want to quote another blogger in your post. You can, of course, to link to the source, that is to say, the other blog.

If any of your readers to click on an external link, you can lose them.

If you use Visibli, you the reader, who clicked on an external link from your blog to see it in the personal toolbar that contains data.

They basically take your site with them. Sort of like StumbleUpon toolbar.

1. watch the video.

2. a link to the free version: http://visibli.com/register/0/0/0.

3. make sure that the bar will show the extension of your blog. Personalize it your blog colors, image, etc-to make it recognizable.

4. go through Visibli bookmarklet (see video) whenever you want to share to anyone's post on social media.

It's as simple as that.

And it is # 4 of the traffic source.

Almost hands-free and happy.

traffic generation cafe

PS I would love to hear your take on my new series and video in particular.

Thumbs Up? Thumbs up down?

What about the music?

Whether or not the pace too fast?

And please, give my new YouTube channel thumbs: subscribe here

What is next?

To find out how to bring your site to life. Get the inside scoop on the skinny free traffic generation. Convert more traffic and more sales.

"When it comes to traffic generation, Ana knows her stuff. He offers practical information on the latest tips, trends and technologies that can lead to getting more visits to your blog or business. Not only does he give a lot of advice, but he put it to the test and to share the results as a report regular income, then you know that his strategies really work if you're willing to do the work! "

Kristi Hines, Kikolani.com

"Ana has become someone I look forward to a unique insight into all kinds of part of running an internet business, but especially SEO information. He does research and testing to back up his claims, so I would like to refer to the back of his content when I need to see what is fresh and current world to generate traffic to your website. "

Yaro Starak, entrepreneurs-Journey.com

Will never share your email address with anyone.

If you like this post, and that it would be valuable to share it with your followers, ish to me would you?

View the original article here

By: Using Press Releases To Get Traffic And Build Links To Your Website |

It’s Google’s world and for those of us with websites, we’re just living in it.  And while the various Panda  updates have proven to be a major thorn in the side of content providers and SEO experts, search engine optimization isn’t going away… and despite Google trying to kill it, SEO article writing will not die.

That doesn’t mean it hasn’t changed dramatically, however.  Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, those who write content with the intention of ranking well in the SERPs have had to make major changes in how they write.

I’ve put together this article to help you learn what’s working now and what you better avoid is you still want to achieve good search engine rankings for yourself or for your clients.

This guide will help you get long term results from your SEO article writing efforts.   

Unfortunately, this isn’t the most exciting of topics in the world and is a bit more technical than most of what you’ve read before.  Heck, the first draft didn’t have a single shit, damn, layin’ the smack down, cotton pickin’¸or hornswoggled in it.

Yeah, that means it’s pretty boring.  Skip the beer until you finish this one, it took me three cups of coffee to write it.  You’ll probably need at least one to read it.  But alas, if you do SEO for a living, or play an SEO expert on TV, you should probably read this article… or stay in a Holiday Inn Express – the choice is yours.

Ready to get started?   Take a deep breath – here we go.

They say those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it (or something like that – I’m pretty sure I heard that when I was in school).  So let’s look at how things used to work.

The Old Formula

Links + SEO Shenanigans + Content = Rankings

… and in that order.

Heck, in the past I was able to get websites to rank in the top 10 on the power of links (and anchor text) alone.  I know this because there was no content on the page I was linking to.  If you’re an SEO trying to sell your services, showing that to a prospective client sure looks impressive.  I could honestly tell them,

“It really doesn’t matter what’s on your website,  I can get it to rank well in Google for you… so long as your check clears.”

Of course that goes against what Google wants.  Just like a fresh pint of milk, they want the cream to rise to the top, naturally.  Google has publicly said they don’t want the top ranking websites to be the ones who can afford to hire the best SEO guys.  They want the top ranking websites to actually be the best.

They’ve hired a not so small army of manual reviewers trying to get rid of the riff raff for years now.  However, in February of 2011, Google had finally figured out a way to get rid of low quality content algorithmically. If you’re not a tech geek, that means that it’s so easy a computer can do it – no human intervention required.

And they’ve continued to tighten the screws… creating low quality content just to rank in the search engines is now just a waste of time, money, and resources.

Expert Quality Content + Quality Links + Warm Fuzzy Factors = Rankings

Newspapers are still a great place to go for quality writing... who knew?

One tip I’ll give you that works really well when you’re not an expert on the topic is to think like a reporter.  Pick up a newspaper and read it.  If it was written by a reporter, they probably interviewed someone to write it.  They may have done plenty of research to write the article, but there is also the story and personal experiences of one or two people interweaved into the article itself.

I’ll be honest, if you’ve never written like that, it’s a challenge and there’s a certain amount of skill required, but it’s easy to see why that kind of content ranks so well in Google – it has all those warm fuzzy factors we’re looking for.

Yes, there are plenty of classes you can take to learn how to do this – after all, journalists do go to college to learn their craft, but you can get a quick crash course just by googling “how to write like a journalist.”  Then it’s just a matter of practicing.

I’d also recommend subscribing to a newspaper.  Personally, I think it’s hard to find a newspaper that does it better than the New York Times (even if they are a bunch of liberal bastards… but I digress) , but what newspaper you subscribe to is up to you though I do recommend subscribing to the print edition and reading it somewhere away from your computer screen.  Just absorb the writing style and let it soak in.

Here’s a great list you can use – turn it into a checklist.  It’s was written by a Google employee and gives some insights into what Google wants to rank highly in their search engine.

When it comes to getting quality links to your website, I have good news and bad news.  Studies have shown that people respond better when you give them the good news first so here it is:

You don’t need very many quality links to rank well! 

Which is good because getting quality links is tough.

Here’s the thing.  Google wants you to create content that is so awesome and so compelling that other website owners, including the authority websites in your niche to link to your content out of the goodness of their hearts.

It happens on occasion when you do a good job but I’ve found one Google approved link building technique that can get you those oh so important quality links… Guest Blogging.

It’s a lot like the old days of article marketing but instead of your article being potentially syndicated across hundreds of websites, your article is only published on one website.  And while you have to work with each website owner individually, the highly relevant and contextual links you get from these websites is worth the extra work.

Plus it gets your message in front of that website’s audience… which is probably the people you want reading your message anyway.   So even if you get no SEO benefit from the article, you still get the people you really want reading your article anyway which is probably what you were going for in the first place.

Basically, you’re killing two birds with one stone.

puppy makes you feel warm and fuzzy Doesn't he make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Remember only evil people like Bin Laden hate puppies.

Okay, so I could have called these “user behavior metrics” and could have thrown in the new buzz word “social signals” but I wanted to make sure you’re still awake and are still slogging on through this with me… plus warm fuzzy factors sounds so nicer.  J

Here’s the thing.  It used to be that those of us in the SEO world could do a pretty reasonable job of backwards engineering Google’s ranking algorithm using statistical analysis.

Without getting too much into it, we could look at what currently ranks well across thousands of keywords and find certain correlations.

For example, pages that rank on the first page of Google tend to have that keyword in their title tag.

If I want this article to rank well for “SEO Article Writing,” then I should make sure that keyword shows up in the title somewhere.

Make sense?

Of course, it’s not perfect.   Statistical analysis never is.

For example, if you were to conduct your own analysis, you’d find a positive confidence interval for domains names that are 9 characters long.  Does having a domain name that is exactly 9 characters long have anything to do with ranking well?  No – nothing – why would it?  However, Wikipedia happens to be precisely 9 letters long and with millions of top ten rankings, they can easily give you a false positive for ranking factors.

You’d find the same for domains that are 6 letters long because Amazon.com is that length and they get just as good of rankings but for products people want to buy.

Fortunately, there were plenty of rankings factors we could reverse engineer that did make sense.  So we used them, then abused them, and then abused them some more.

And now we’re at a point where Google uses several factors we can’t use good ole statistical analysis to backwards engineer anymore.  It’s a simple matter of Google having so much data we don’t have access to anymore.

Their ranking algorithm is getting closer and closer to having every page behave like articles submitted to a peer reviewed journal.  In case you’re not familiar, when you submit an article to one of these journals for publication, it goes out to three peers deemed to be experts on the subject and if they don’t like it, it doesn’t get published (they’ll typically ask you to make revisions).

Basically we now have a computer that is an expert on every subject on the planet and can tell if what your wrote is B.S. or if it’s actually worth reading.    Keep that in mind when you create content.   Focus on the people that will ultimately read it.  It’s what Google wants and Google’s been tweaking their search engine to behave the same way over the years.

Backlinks used to be the holy grail of rankings and was the basis for Google’s Pagerank algorithm.  When it was developed, Larry Page assumed (correctly) that you could gauge the importance of a website and a page on that website by the amount of links pointing to it.  The more links pointing to a particular page, the more important it must be and thus more deserving of a high ranking in Google.

Makes sense if you think about it, right?

And it worked great… until people figured out that was what was going on.   Then all hell broke loose.

Everybody and their brother starting concocting link building schemes that would artificially inflate the importance of their website.

The reason backlinks and nothing but more backlinks worked so well for so long was simple – a better solution didn’t exist.

Yes, backlinks still matter and still matter a lot.  But they are only effective as part of a larger overall strategy.  Google uses over 200 ranking factors (and no, they’re not sharing specifically what they are) to determine quality.

Here are a couple important ones you should be paying attention to… when combined I like to call them “warm fuzzy factors.”

Basically, this is a measure of how long someone stays on a page and how long someone stays on your website.

If everybody who clicks on your website and immediately clicks the back button on their browser, that’s a giant red flag and Google can track that by measuring the clickthrough rate and “dwell time.”

Bottom line: You want people to visit your website and stay around a while.    

Improving the stickiness of your website:

Make sure your articles are easy to read.  Yes, people will read long articles as long as they’re interesting, but it’s important to make sure you use short paragraphs and include white space between all paragraphs.  If your article looks like it’s going to be hard to read, people will leave.Don’t autoplay music on your website.  I still see people doing this and it’s annoying.  I have my own music playing and don’t want yours (and statistics prove that most people agree with me).  Rather than finding the button to turn off the music, I’ll leave and do business with a competitor.When in doubt, include a video.   Putting a video at the top of your article can significantly enhance the stickiness of a web page.  No, not everyone will watch it so make sure you include text too, but it provides a different modality for those who don’t want to read much.Use pictures.  People like pictures so sprinkle them throughout long articles.  It keeps people around by breaking up the text a little bit.Avoid having too many ads “above the fold” on your website.  First of all, Google is directly penalizing sites that it considers to have excessive ads but just as important is that too many ads can cause people to immediately leave your website, resulting in a low dwell time.

Social signals may sound like a fancypants term but it’s actually very easy to understand and describe.  When someone tweets about your article, likes it on Facebook, or shares it with their circles on Google + by giving it a “plus 1”, these are social signals that real people are reading and sharing what you wrote.

That’s one way a search engine like Google can tell what the people like and want.   It also means you want your best stuff to be shared on those sites as well.

Now don’t get carried away with social signals.  Remember that people probably aren’t going to share yours salespages with their friends.   But your best, most interesting, creative content should be.  The first step is to share it on your own networks.  If you’re not willing to publicy share what you’ve written with your friends and followers why would anyone else.

Of course it’s always best to let nature takes its course and let things happen organically but if you want to give your best content a little extra oomph, services like Synnd can help.   As always, be very careful about using services that aren’t natural.    I like them because they can provide that initial spark you need to get something started but once it’s started, let it stand on its own from there – if it crashes and burns, so be it.  Try again tomorrow.

something to write with Drag one of these into Starbucks to write with... makes you look sophisticated... ladies love it too!

I’m going to give you a crash course on what it takes to write expert quality content that will get those warm fuzzy factors we’re looking for so buckle your seatbelts boys and girls… this could get a little rough.

First of all – I’m going to assume you already have some writing skills.  If you failed English in high school then you might want to consider a different line of work.


There are plenty of fantastic resources out there that can teach you how to write.  I think Copyblogger has a lot of solid tips for bloggers.  I recommend taking a couple days and perusing their vast archives.  It’s also a good place to see excellent writing in action.   I’m also a big fan of Cracked.com.  Many of their articles can legitimately make you laugh out loud.  There is so much personality in those articles, if you can conjure up a fraction of it for your own writing, you’ll be in good shape.

There are also books on the topic as well as classes… I’m sure there’s an online class or one being offered at your local community college if you’re serious about improving your writing skills.

What I can help you with is what should be included in your articles.

Put your main keyword in the title or your articleTry to offer something in your article that nobody else offers even if it’s just a personal story or experience.  Case studies are great too!Do give credit where credit is do.  Link to resources on the topic (basically, it’s like citing your research).  Contrary to popular belief it doesn’t hurt your rankings or cause you to leak Pagerank.  It actually helps!Be detailed on your articlesWrite for people, not machines.Promote your writing.  Share it wherever appropriate whether its on Facebook, Twitter, Google+,  Pinterest, or wherever.Proofread all your work.   It doesn’t have to be grammatically perfect but you should have spelling errors and silly little things fixed.Ask yourself, “Would I consider this article to be one of the ten best on the topic?”  If the answer is no and your goal is for the article to rank in the top 10 of Google, then go back and edit the article until you can honestly answer, “yes.”It’s okay to write a contrarian viewpoint or to agree with conventional wisdom but Google really wants to see some balance.   They consider the authority on the subject to be the one that mentions multiple points of view.Never publish anything that is comprised of “spun” content.    Same goes for PLR content.   Avoid too much duplicate content.  Yes, it’s okay to reprint and occasional very well written article from an expert but for the most part you want to stick to unique and original content on your website. Steer clear of blackhat linking practices including xrumer blasts, massive profile links, anything built by SENuke and it’s competitors, and excessive social bookmarking links.   

I’ve been saying this for years – keyword density is dead.  That hasn’t stopped self appointed SEO experts from extolling its virtues from on high to make them sound smart.   Heck, I was just talking to a guy yesterday who was convinced that 4% keyword density was critical to his SEO success.  Here’s the truth.  At any given time you can figure out what appears to be an optimal keyword density for an article.  The problem is it changes.  Heck, for a while there were two sweet spots – 3% and 9%.   Fortunately, the correlation between a certain keyword density and rankings has dropped which in layman’s terms means don’t worry about it.  Your keyword will work itself into your article without you thinking about it much.  Make sure it’s in the title and put it in the first paragraph.  After that, it’ll probably show up here and there, but you don’t need to worry about it.

Plus, if you keyword density is deemed too high, you’ll get hit with Google’s new “over-optimized” penalty.  Google is on the prowl looking for websites whose content was clearly written to rank well in the search engines and they’re casting those pages asunder to troll the depths with other low quality and spammy content even if the information is quite good and useful.

What’s the keyword density of this article?   I have no idea.  I didn’t check because it really doesn’t matter.

Okay, So How Long Do My Articles Need To Be If I Want Them To Be Considered Expert Quality Content?

I’ve been asked about this many times and while I understand why you’re asking it’s the wrong question.

I’ve have pages that have ranked in the top 5 of Google for years that have less than 400 words on the page – heck I have a client who has less than 50 words on his homepage and still does well, albeit in a small market.  On the flip side, I have articles that are 2,000-3,000 words long.  Guess what?  They rank well too.

There is not one size fits all recommendation.

It all depends on the market.  But one easy way to find out is to check Wikipedia.  How long is their article on your topic (assuming they have it and it ranks in the top 10 of Google)?  If it’s 5,000 words long, your little 350 word blurb stands little chance.

Of course, you also need to deliver what the person is actually searching for.  If they want a map – show them a map.  If their search indicates they’re looking for a video, you probably want video embedded on the page.

I do understand that when you’re hiring writers you need to give them guidelines.  These days I’m thinking most articles should be at least 750 words long with much of it exceeding 1,000 words.  Keep in mind if it’s full of fluff and filler, length doesn’t matter.

That’s a lot of writing – what do I say?

Here’s what’d I’d recommend you do.  Go take a look at how long obscure little topics on Wikipedia end up.  When in doubt, you could cover historical aspects of what you’re writing about or do my personal favorite filler – tell a story.

People love stories!   I love stories, you love stories, we all love stories.

Heck, I still remember being in grade school when we’d go to the library and our librarian would read a book to us.   I remember being so excited to hear stories like The Wish Giver read and anxiously waited for the hour where she’d read to us every week.    And considering I still remember names of obscure books like the one I mentioned above proves that stories really can stick with us.

And you don’t have to be a world class writer to tell a good story… good stories do all the heavy lifting.

I’m sure there are a few people thinking I must be smokin’ something (want some?) or just completely incompetent since I haven’t said anything about latent semantic indexing (LSI) yet.  Here’s why.  I already covered it.

If you stick to writing expert quality content or hiring those who are experts on the subject, you don’t need to worry about it… that stuff all shows up without having to think about it and that’s the whole point of LSI.  Latent semantic indexing was created to identify expert quality content, not the other way around.

Do you think I spent any time reading about which keywords I need to mention in this article to make sure it ranks well for “SEO article writing?”  No.  I’ve done SEO for a living since 2005, I know this stuff inside out and don’t need to read up on what other people are mentioning in their articles.  It may sound arrogant (and it is) but I don’t need to go read about what a bunch of amateurs are writing just so I can be sure to cover the right keywords.    You will notice that I have linked to a few noted authorities for further study of certain topics, however.

Besides, Google has a variance algorithm (I can’t think of the name of it and no, not Universal Search but it’s part of it) built into their rankings so they can show several different types of content on the first page… and to make it nearly impossible for one person to control all top 10 spots on Google for anything but the most obscure of key phrases.   Basically, it allows for several different pieces of authority level content to have a voice on the first page of Google despite the fact that they may all have contrary viewpoints or recommendations.

If you’ve never heard of LSI, ignore this section as it’s not important to you.  If you’re still focusing on LSI content, silo structure, and pagerank sculpting, I’d recommend following your rankings and analytics carefully in the coming months.  If it looks like something an expert SEO guy did, you might be exposing your clients to more risk than they’re willing to take and it might be time to back off.

I remember when I first starting outsourcing content creation to freelance writers back in 2006.  I learned quickly that you could get a decent article for $10 and a pretty good one for $20 or so.  However, if you remember the old formula, the quality of the content wasn’t all that important as far as ranking well in the search engines were concerned.

That meant that more and more services popped up offering articles for $7, $5, and I’ve even seen people offering articles for as little as one dollar.  What does $1 get you?  Junk, drivel, and nothing quality minded webmaster should ever consider publishing on his or her blog.

If you’re going to hire someone to write for you, focus on people who know the topic you’re asking them to write about or find someone who will act like a reporter and get the real scoop from someone who does.

In the past, my best writers have read books on the topics they weren’t familiar with (I purchased and mailed them to my writers) or they’ve gone out and interviewed people who knew the topic.

Now that level of writing isn’t cheap but these days you get what you pay for and only quality writing is worth paying for.   Nobody wants to publish worthless drivel and Google certainly doesn’t want it ranking on the first page of their search engine so even if you manage to trick them into ranking your content for a short while, rest assured you’ll be exposed soon enough.

Yes, I know that everything I’ve described is a lot of work.  It will drastically cut down on how much content you can produce and how many websites you can manage.

However, it can really pay off.

In competitive niches, it’s the only way to stay competitive and have a chance.

In less than competitive niches, you can create content that will rank at the top of Google for years.  I have articles I’ve written that have been ranking in the top 5 of Google for 5+ years now.  It has nothing to do with tricks – those articles are still the best on the topic… yes, they’ve even more comprehensive and helpful than what Wikipedia has to offer.

So there you have it, my guide on SEO article writing.  No it’s not dead but it has transformed and for the better.

What are you doing that’s working for you to get your content ranked?

View the original article here

3445 Words on How to Promote the Ish out of Your Blog Posts

how to promote your blog postsWaiting for something with baited breath is not my strong suit.

Good thing I don’t have to when it comes down to promoting my blog and any newly published posts.

And with this handy-dandy practical guide with a step-by-step “promotion in motion” plan, neither do you.

Social media is one of the easiest, yet perhaps, one of the most frustrating promotion channels.

It’s easy because it takes but a few minutes for you to share your post with your friends/followers.

It’s frustrating because you can’t control the results.

Will your followers carry your new post to their followers?

Will anyone even notice?

Let me show you how I maximize my social media promotion efforts and turn social media into my #1 referral traffic source.

Here are the necessary ingredients to successful Twitter promotion (in order of importance):

Outstanding content (your top priority – goes without saying);Your overall online authority (if people know who you are, they are more likely to promote your content);Quality of your following (how targeted your followers are);Quantity of your following (the more targeted followers you have, the more shares you’ll get).

If you are having hard time getting others to retweet your content, take a look at the four points above and figure out which one(s) need to be worked on.

My top ways to get more retweets:

With a little bit of upfront leg work, this method of getting RTs can be put on complete autopilot.

It’s all about twisting other bloggers’ arms to get them to automatically feed your blog RSS to their Twitter accounts.

The logic behind it:

We all strive to provide our followers with top-notch content, both our own and others.

The easiest way to do it is to automatically retweet other bloggers’ content by adding their RSS feed to your social media management platform of your choice, i.e.:

HoosuiteMarketMeSuite (that’s what I use)Tweetdecketc.

If you don’t currently use any social media management platform, no worries.

Here’s another option for you: Twitterfeed.com.

It automatically shares your chosen RSS feeds on Twitter, as well as Facebook.

How to get others to add your RSS feed:

1.   Ask.

Find Twitter influencers who have a responsive following AND like to share content in your niche.

If you don’t know how, read how I use Topsy.com in How to Create Traffic Magnets: Give Your Readers Bread and Games post.

2.   Barter.

You can “exchange” the favors, if you are more comfortable to do it that way.

You add theirs, they add yours.

3.   Mention it in your blog posts.

Make it a call to action in your blog posts every once in a while.

Something like this:

If you love Traffic Generation Cafe and think these traffic ideas would be valuable to your followers, you should add our RSS feed to your social media sharing platform of choice!


And don’t forget to add “via @AnaTrafficCafe” to your tweets so that I can come by and say thank you.

4.   Mention it to your list.

Just follow the example above and ask your email subscribers to automatically share your stuff with their followers.

Triberr is a blogging network designed to increase your Twitter influence through leveraging other bloggers’ Twitter accounts.

Let’s say I have about 1,900 Twitter followers in my @AnaTrafficCafe Twitter account.

With Triberr, I can find like-minded bloggers who also produce excellent content in my niche and form an alliance with them – a “tribe” in Triberr terms.

They share my stuff (if they like it, it’s not automatic) and I share theirs.

You can choose to create your own tribe or request to join others.

The main idea behind it is to find tribes with active members who write quality content and love to share each others’ stuff.

That’s how I am able to grow my reach from 1,900 Twitter followers to over 2M.

Triberr.com twitter reach

How to find tribes in your niche:

Once you create your free Triberr account, find the “Tribes” tab in the left sidebar.

When you click on it, you’ll be taken to the “Browse Tribes” section where you can add different categories related to your niche.

Once you find the tribes you’d love to be a member of, I suggest you introduce yourself to the tribe founder and ask them to add you.

How to actually make Triberr work to promote your posts:

As I mentioned before, sharing on Triberr is not automatic.

Your tribe mates need to choose to share your content with their followers.

Increase your chances of being shared on Triberr by:

creating eye-catching post titles;sharing their stuff (I suggest to log into Triberr once a day and share others’ content; make it a habit; give and you shall receive);if you are a new-comer to the blogosphere, build relationships with your tribe mates; i.e. comment on their content, send them a personal note, etc.

Create your free Triberr account

JustRetweet.com is another Twitter sharing platform, but has a big distinction from Triberr: you don’t need to form a tribe to get retweets.

This could be helpful to many bloggers who might have a hard time getting into an active niche-related tribe on Triberr.

How JustRetweet.com works:

Sign in with your Twitter account.Earn credits by retweeting or liking the retweets from other members.When you have earned enough credits, then you can submit your own retweets into the system and have other members start retweeting YOUR content.You can also earn credits by following other members, referring new members, etc.JustRetweet doesn’t do automatic sharing; everything you share is entirely up to you.The more you give, the more you receive.

how justretweet.com works

Create your free JustRetweet account

ViralContentBuzz.com is a fairly new Twitter/Facebook sharing platform that works off earned credits, very much like JustRetweet does.

However, here’s what sets ViralContentBuzz apart from other similar networks:

Our platform is called “Viral Content Buzz” which implies that we are looking to help push high-quality content that has a good potential to go viral.   (FAQ)

All submissions to ViralContentBuzz are manually moderated, which ensures the quality of the submitted posts.

Another interesting thing about ViralContentBuzz is the fact that you won’t see WHO submitted the post from the dashboard.

I think that’s yet another way this site ensures that the QUALITY of submitted content takes the center stage; just the way it should be.

Thus, if you do create quality content, but are not known for it quite yet, ViralContentBuzz might be the perfect platform for you.

viralcontentbuzz twitter and facebook sharing

Create your free ViralContentBuzz account here

Additional comment from one of the founders, Gerald Weber:

“I would like to add that although right now we only support Twitter and Facebook sharing, we are going to be adding StumbleUpon, Google Plus and Pinterest in the very near future.”

For one reason or another, it’s a bit harder to get people to share your post on Facebook than it is on Twitter.

Here are some suggestions to help you to promote your new post on Facebook.

To tell you the truth, it wasn’t easy to find any evidence supporting my gut feeling that a Share button is better than a Like button.

The main obstacle was the fact that Facebook seemed to be very much like Google – in a constant state of menopause: unpredictable with widely-ranged mood swings.

I did finally find a couple of posts written recently enough to still be applicable and by people whose opinion I respect.

So for further reading on the subject, check out:

It basically comes down to how Facebook determines whether and how many of your Facebook friends/fans will actually see your updates.

Just in case it comes as a surprise to you, the number of your Facebook fans serves as great social proof, but that’s about it.

Now you need to prove to Facebook that your updates are actually worthy to be seen.

In other words, you need to increase your EdgeRank.

What is EdgeRank?

Read What is EdgeRank?

What does it have to do with the Share button?

Here’s everything you need to know:

As a general rule, it’s best to assume Edges that take the most time to accomplish tend to weigh more.

For engagement Edges we generally say Shares > Comments > Likes > Clicks.

For content type Edges we’ve seen Videos > Photos > Status Updates > Links.

Since Shares take more effort, it’s assumed that the more Shares you get, the better EdgeRank your Facebook fan page will have, the more of your fans will actually see your updates.

For fun:

When you see the number of “Shares” in my social sharing bar to the right of this post, the actual number includes shares, likes, and comments on the post on FB.

If you really want to know how users interact with your post (i.e. what kind of reactions each post gets), use this somewhat complicated command:


Replace the first bolded text with your URL and the second one with your post slug, and paste the entire thing into your browser.

You’ll see something like this (this is how my 82 FB shares on my recent Empower Network bash parsed):

what are facebook shares?Yep, this is how I have fun…

Alright, enough about the buttons.

I’ve already mentioned that both JustRetweet and ViralContentBuzz can be used to share your content on FB as well as Twitter.

Use them.

If you have CommentLuv Premium installed on your blog, use Facebook to entice your commentators to give you a “Like” in order to get a choice of their latest posts.

how to promote your blog with commentluv premium

I personally choose Facebook Like as the ONLY option for CommentLuv links.

The reason is I find it harder to get more Likes/Shares than Retweets.

Since I believe that Facebook might carry more weight with Google than Twitter does, I do strive to get those Likes up and CommentLuv Premium does an excellent job in helping me with that.

Of course, I also like to go with the flow and change things up a bit.

For instance, when GooglePlus was all the rave (still good for business, by the way), the only social sharing choice I had enabled was Google+ shares.

Learn more about my personal CommentLuv Premium settings here.

To stop admiring other bloggers’ CommentLuv Premium and get your very own copy:

After I am done with blasting my newly published post on Twitter and Facebook, I turn to Google+ and Pinterest to add the cherry to the cake.

Yes, GooglePlus is still very much alive and kicking.

There’s a lot of engagement going on there, and TGC consistently gets a fair amount of traffic from it.

A few pointers on maximizing your G+ promotion:

1.   Add a description with a compelling call to action.

Posting your update without a comment is… well, a waste of a good opportunity.


how to not promote on google+


how to properly promote on google+

Not only did SeachEngineLand include a short comment on their update, but they also mentioned +MajesticSEO AND included a hashtag.

These simple additions gained them more visibility on G+.

2.   Know who to share with

This is my personal pet-peeve.

It seems like many bloggers are still clueless as to how to properly share their updates with the circles.

They end up overwhelming their circles with trivial updates and when something that’s actually worth reading comes up (like your newly published post), their circles just ignore it.

Here’s how to properly share your updates:

share with circles on googleplus

Public: anything generic, as in “look at this awesome photo!” should be shared as “Public” only.Your circles/Extended circles: more important updates, like your newly published blog posts, should be shared with circles as well.Email your circles: my suggestion – DON’T do it. This is NOT your email list and you shouldn’t treat it as such.

Despite the fact that interest in Pinterest for marketing purposes is cooling off (unless you are in a cute cat or bacon business, of course), I still like to share my posts on Pinterest.

And yes, I still drive a decent enough amount of traffic from it.

I usually pin the same post onto several different boards using the following three methods:

…by pinning it directly from post (i.e. using the “Pin” button to the right).

When you do that, the image will link directly to your post.

pin your post directly to pinterest

As you can see, I also like to add another link to the post in the description.

Reason: when you repin your pin, it won’t link to your post any longer (like you see at the top of the image).

Rather, it will link back to your Pinterest profile, like this:

add additional link to repins

That way your link will travel with the image no matter how many times it’s repinned.

Promote your Pinterest profile (and your blog)

…by repinning the post onto several other boards.

After I pinned the post directly to 2-3 relevant boards (be careful, you don’t want your Pinterest followers to see the same image pinned to every board you have!), I’ll repin it to a couple of other community boards.

If you have no idea what any of it means, take a look at my post about driving traffic from Pinterest.

This is a great way to brand your Pinterest profile, whereas pinning directly from your blog brands your blog itself.

Create social proof (and promote your blog post)

…by repinning what other people shared from your blog.

Here’s what you do:

1.   See who has pinned your post(s) onto their Pinterest boards.

Go to: http://pinterest.com/source/YourWebsite.com/ (don’t forget to replace the bolded part with your domain name).

You’ll see everything that other people pinned from your blog, like this:

promote other people's pins

Huge THANK YOU to all who promote TGC!

 Now let’s say I take Carolyn Mohr‘s pin from my Traffic Generation Cafe Plummets post.

I’ll go ahead and repin it to my Zlistic community board and here’s the result:

how to get more pins

This way I still got all my links (I added the one in the description when repinning it – for good luck ;) ), AND got proof that I wasn’t the only person who liked Traffic Generation Café.

Note: It seems like no matter how many times an image gets pinned/repinned, it still links to the original source – your blog post in this case.

That’s good news!

I could’ve mentioned this invaluable tip in any of the sections above – you should use it no matter where/how you are promoting your blog/newly published post.

Generously mention/link to other blogs in all your posts.

That’s the biggest “not-so-secret” secret to successful blog promotion.

When you mention other blogs in your posts, you:

Provide your readers with additional valuable resources;Show them that you are a giver;Build relationships with other bloggers without asking for anything in return;Increase your chances of being mentioned on other blogs.

In other words,

You end up promoting your own blog by promoting others.

Makes sense?

And yes, I’ve got a few tips up my sleeves to help you maximize your “return on promotion”:

Sure you can link to the biggest blogs out there, but don’t expect to be noticed by them.

You are not the only one vying for their attention.

Focus on blogs that provide epic content, yet are still small enough to actually pay attention to comments, emails, and social media mentions.

They are much more likely to return the favor.

Don’t just assume that the other bloggers will somehow find out that you mentioned them in your post; TELL THEM.

There are three ways to do it:

Via social media (include @TheirProfile in your status updates on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Pinterest).Via a comment on their blog (leave a meaningful comment on their post and say at the end “by the way, mentioned you here….”).Via email (use their contact form).

I’ve noticed that different bloggers prefer different communication channels.

Some closely monitor their social media, some are religious about responding to comments, some will only pay attention to a personal email.

Some won’t respond no matter what you do.

Don’t take it personally.

This is one of the biggest mistakes I see many bloggers make: they forget to force all outgoing links to open in new tabs/windows, thus loosing their traffic to the blogs they mention.

Allow my daughter Emma to demonstrate:

keep your traffic where it belongs

(What’s the point of having children if we can’t use them to promote our businesses, right?

By the way, this is nothing; you should see how I “utilized” Emma on my internet marketing tools page.)

This one is very simple: when you add a link to your post, make sure to check the “Open link in a new window/tab” box.

promote your blog by mentions

Side note: make sure ALL your external links open in new windows, including any ads you might have in your sidebar, links to social media profiles, etc.

I can’t believe I forgot to mention this – thanks to Danny Iny for reminding me in comments:

“One thing I’d add is that if you’re linking to someone, always link to a specific page or post, rather than the homepage – that way there’ll be a pingback to let them know.”

This is VERY important.

When you link to one’s home page, they never get a pingback notifying them about the link.

That’s why you want to make sure to link to a specific post; just like I did in every single mention in this post.

Thanks for the reminder, Danny!

Speedlinking, roundups, mashups – all roads lead to posts that curate the best content on the web.

“Best content” is, of course, in the eyes of the beholder, i.e. the publishing blogger.

The keys to promoting your content via roundups:

Write stellar content (no one will mention it unless it’s worth its salt);Build relationships with the publishing bloggers (don’t just approach them with “how about mentioning my post?”);Only alert them to your best posts (don’t be the boy/girl who cries wolf).

Here’s a short list of blogs I know of that publish regular roundups:

1.   Kristi Hines Kikolani.com

Best way to catch Kristi’s attention: every week on Friday, she starts a thread on the Social Media Examiner Blogging Club so members can share their favorite blog post of the week.

2.   Anita Campbell SmallBizTrends.com

Best way to make SmallBizTrends roundups: be active at BizSugar.com.

3.   Danny Iny FirePoleMarketing.com

4.   Francisco Perez IBlogZone.com

5.   Ryan Hanley RyanHanley.com

6.   Nick Stewart NicksTrafficTricks.com

7.   Laura Crest SEOCopywriting.com

If you know of others, let me know in the comments.

A while ago, I published So You Published a New Post, Now What?, where I talked about all the steps I took to promote every new blog post.

With all the changes in the blogosphere and Googlesphere, I feel that a lot of that advice is now obsolete.

Sure you can bookmark your post with various social bookmarking sites like BlogEngage, BizSugar, Blokube.

However, without being an active member of those communities, your promotion effort turns into a useless bookmarking link that won’t bring any traffic and definitely won’t help your SEO.

The only other point that I believe is still very much relevant for promoting your blog posts is this one:

Blog commenting won’t, most likely, result in a huge surge of traffic to your post, but it WILL do the following:

make your face recognizable throughout the blogosphere (make sure you use your real picture for gravatar!);build relationships, not just with the blogger, but with their readers as well;might bring a few visitors, especially when commenting on CommentLuv enabled blogs;will build links to your content (won’t help you rank on the first page for a competitive keyword, but is good for SEO nonetheless.).

I, for one, always check out first-time commentators’ blogs, as well as click on interesting titles in CommentLuv links.

Bottom line: every time you publish a post, make it a habit to comment on 5 blogs (I prefer CommentLuv blogs since you can leave your newly published post link via CL).

This little habit could lead to great things for your blog.

WARNING: You should always, always, always check what a commentator is linking to before approving comments.

This will prevent you from linking out to bad neighborhoods.

My habit of checking out the websites before linking to them served me well the other day: an innocent-looking link and a quality comment lead me to a porn site.


Sure you can email your list (I assume you already have one, right? If not, click here.) to tell them about your new blog posts.

However, why waste the precious trust you’ve built with your subscribers by emailing them about every piece of content you publish?

That’s what RSS feed is for.

I’d reserve your emails for exclusive advice your subscribers can’t find anywhere else.

If you do that consistently, you’ll earn the right to let them know about your pillar content AND bring a good amount of traffic back to your blog.

If you’d like to see how I do my email marketing, feel free to join Traffic Generation Café email subscribers.

This is the bare minimum I do for every blog post I publish.

Looks like too much work?

I beg you pardon – writing this post was too much work; implementing the steps won’t take that long.

Plus, what are your options?

Put several hours into crafting a post and then rely on a blog fairy to get it discovered?


Get to work!

Oh wait, before you go: if you found this post valuable and thought your readers/followers might benefit from it as well, share and link away!

Just use the buttons to the right and let the blog post promotion begin.

traffic generation cafe

Photo Credit: Smashing Showcase

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"When it comes to traffic generation, Ana knows her stuff. She provides actionable information about the latest tips, trends, and technology that can result in getting more visits to your blog or business. Not only does she give great advice, but she puts it to the test and shares the results in a regular income report so you know that her strategies really work if you are willing to put in the effort!"

Kristi Hines, Kikolani.com

"Ana has become someone I look to for a unique insight into all kinds of aspects of running an internet business, but especially for updated SEO information. She does the research and testing to back up her claims, so I refer back to her content when I need to see what is fresh and current in the world of generating traffic to your website."

Yaro Starak, Entrepreneurs-Journey.com

I will never share your email address with anyone.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Generate Leads Online for Any Business

how to generate leads online

Well if you’re wondering how to generate leads for any business, I’m about to share with you one of the best kept secrets of the industry.

I have recently joined a millionaire in a business that I had avoided like the plague for nearly a year.  (If you’re wondering which one, you can see a blog post I did about it here).

But obviously the guy has got it right because he earned over a million dollars in just ONE business last year (and he has several!).    And I know his secret……

So I’ve been slowly picking his brains about how to generate leads online to see what he does on a daily basis (well come on , wouldn’t you?  ;-)   )– and he does a LOT, but there’s a couple of things he does that I paid a great deal of attention to.

But before I go into that, I just want to share a couple of things with you that are fact.

If people are finding YOUR stuff in the search engines  – and by “stuff” I mean your videos or your articles that come up when someone searches for something in Google, Bing or Yahoo, – if they then follow the link back to your website, then these are the Hottest leads you can have for your business.


Because they liked what you wrote or did in a video and therefore they can relate to your content.

These leads are FAR more likely to convert to sales or sign ups in your business if you can attract them.

Ok great!

So if you want to know how to generate leads online like this, you just need to learn on page and off page SEO,  find the right keywords that your prospects are searching for, invest a lot of time in creating backlinks to your content and invest some money in syndicating and blasting tools to get your content ranked.


Not so easy is it.  Well it’s not too bad because I have got plenty of articles that are ranking, but it can be a very time consuming  process  and although it can generate a fair bit of  wonderfully targeted traffic to your website,  if you want to have some dramatic results in your business you will always want more traffic.

So I watched what else he was doing.

And of course he is doing a lot of paid advertising which is another great way of how to generate leads online.

And here’s the thing about paid advertising.

It’s FAST and can be very effective IF you know what you’re doing.

So if you want to know how to generate leads online through paid sources, you have to learn how to do Solo Ads, PPC, PPV, etc etc. or you can just do co-ops like we do in our team so that even complete newbies can start generating online leads right away.

Which is all good.

But the traffic that you generate from paid sources of advertising doesn’t really know you and so your email marketing follow up has to be VERY good  to get the conversions to sales and sign ups.

You want the quality of lead that you get from your own content, but you want the speed and the volume of leads that you get from paid marketing.

So I probed Simon some more and I found  out what his secret tool  was that was responsible not only for lead generation, but also for generating a million dollars in income for him just last year (yes seriously !!).

But before I tell you what that tool is, I want to just explain why it is so successful.

The psyche around successful online lead generation

Remember we said that your own content generates the highest quality leads?  Well what if you could do a paid  source of advertising that was around your own quality content or around other  quality content in your niche that matched your own brand.

Simply put – what if you put a banner advert around either your content or around similar targeted articles that would pique the readers interest?

Combine paid banner advertising around targeted content that matches your niche.

The techie people who test all this sort of stuff have proved that this is fast becoming a TOP method of advertising because if a banner is right next to related content, then it converts well.  Which is great news.

Well okay, to describe it as a tool is actually misleading because it is a massively successful company (and business opportunity) in its own right.

Banners Broker

Think of the top 5 companies on the internet.

Facebook, Google, YouTube, Yahoo and Baidu (who?)

What do they all have in common? – Well, they generate their biggest streams of revenue from advertising.  So they take your money and generate huge amounts of profit from you from every campaign that you do.

And this is what Banners Broker does.  They post your banners on targeted sites that are in your business niche, but the biggest and coolest thing about this company is the opportunity that comes with it.

If you buy an ad/pub combo membership you can not only choose where your banners go to get targeted traffic back to your advert or offer, but (as the name would suggest)  YOU also become the broker for other ads and can therefore make money from it.

And if you’re anything like Simon, my sponsor, then you can make a million dollars in a single year from it.;-)

Now if you immediately think – well I couldn’t do that because I wouldn’t know where to start in selling banner ads, well rest assured you don’t even have to lift a finger.  It’s all done for you (It’s soooo easy and sooo low maintenance it’s untrue!).

You simply purchase the ad panels at cost price and they go off and sell them for you making YOU a tidy profit .

It’s the perfect solution for how to generate leads online as well as making a BIG profit, and I love it.

(I also love watching my panels earning ME an income whilst watching the traffic coming in to my pages from the banners I’m placing.)

So if you want to take the advice of a millionaire sponsor on how to generate leads online for any business, whilst generating an income, then why not take a look  Click Here ==>

banners broker

Email: Nicky@NickyPriceMarketing.com
Skype: NickyVitality
Tel: (+44) (0)7587 176155
Facebook: http://facebook.com/DiamondMLMTribe

Work with Nicky: Click Here.

P.S - Sick of Tiny MLM Pay Cheques? It's Not Your Fault! - Click Here for a Much Faster Way to Earn Upwards of $3.5k Per Month Online Click Here For Instant Access

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90 Days to $15k Per Month Formula

90 days to $15k formulaDo you think it’s possible to get up to $15k per month in just 90 days from now?

That means that by the time all the January credit card bills hit the mat, you could be able to just pay them all off in one go……

How good would that feel?

I found a system that is really working well.   You can see in the picture that just these past 14 days I made $1,650 and this is just going to go up and up as I coach my team on exactly what I am doing, and then they start to do it too.   But here’s the most exciting part…….  I just heard that David Woods (who is a marketing genius by the way) is starting a BRAND New 90 day challenge in which he intends to work with everyone who is live on the call TONIGHT (Thursday 1st November) exactly how to achieve exactly that – the All New 90 Days to $15k a month formula.

But of course this information is going to be “Gold dust” – it is a culmination of the last 6 years of marketing genius where he is going to shave the learning curve for us into just 90 days.  So of course he is not just going to coach people who have not made the commitment to learn this.

What do I mean by commitment?

I mean investing in your future.  You see most people cannot see past the initial investment.  They’re scared and they worry that this will not work for them, maybe its a scam or maybe (more likely) nothing like this has worked for them before.

But they don’t look at the fact that their investment of $25 per month (to join the Empower Network) can actually be redeemed with just one sale.

One sale.

Because it’s 100% commissions with the Empower Network.

But to get the All New 90 days to $15k a month training – you need to invest exactly $1,644 which gives you access to the following:

The Empower Network Fully Optimized BlogThe Empower Network Merchant system so you don’t have to worry about how to collect your 100% commissions – it is all done for you.The Empower Network Inner Circle Training by David Woods and David Sharpe – seriously good training!The Empower Network Costa Rica $500 Advanced Training – This training is packed full of absolute golden nuggets that you can implement straight away.The Empower Network $15k per month formula.  This WAS awesome training, but now David wants to bring you the absolute latest training to get you to 90 days and $15k a month.PLUS as a member of my team, you will get access to my private facebook coaching group, our weekly team training webinars and my team training vault which I share with my colleague Ruth and we show you exactly how to get set up and blog to get leads, and where we share with you exactly what is working for us RIGHT NOW that has enabled us to achieve the sorts of results we are getting.PLUS as part of my team you will also get access to the training website of my millionaire sponsor who became one of the top 5 earners in Empower Network in his first 30 DAYS !!!  (Seriously !!!)

But if you are thinking that this is a HUGE amount to pay out just before Christmas – think about this.

One sale and you get it ALL back (apart from a $19 merchant fee) and we’re going to show you exactly what to do to achieve this in David Woods’ 90 days to $15k a month.

So all you have to do now is TAKE ACTION.  (But you have to do it tonight )

Sign up for the all new 90 days to $15k per month formula, then head into the back office and register for the webinar for 9pm tonight.

90 days to $15k per month

Email: Nicky@NickyPriceMarketing.com
Skype: NickyVitality
Tel: (+44) (0)7587 176155
Facebook: http://facebook.com/DiamondMLMTribe

Work with Nicky: Click Here.

P.S - Sick of Tiny MLM Pay Cheques? It's Not Your Fault! - Click Here for a Much Faster Way to Earn Upwards of $3.5k Per Month Online Click Here For Instant Access

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

MLM Recruiting | Is Your Sponsor Letting You Down?

mlm recruitingIn the last couple of days I have had 3 conversations with 3 separate people who had found me online and all of them had a very similar thing to say about MLM Recruiting online, marketing and general success online which is why I thought I would do a blog post about it.

Hmmm…. What do you think about that?

They were all people who had been online for long enough to know that they had not been having the sort of success they desired and so this time, they were looking for the “perfect” sponsor.   And I found myself being “weighed up” by them against a couple of other successful marketers to see what I could offer them in terms of a training site, support, private coaching and anything else they could think of that was going to help them to be successful.

So this is what I told them.

I thanked them for seeking me out -because let’s face it – this is Attraction Marketing in action and I still find it flattering when people contact me because they see and believe I am successful enough to help them too – it’s a compliment.  But I think they were then surprised at what I told them.

Firstly I agreed with them that having the right sponsor for the type of marketing that they wanted to do could certainly be a help.  A training site for the team members and a sponsor who really did take the role of a coach and mentor seriously would of course be a big help.


So here is the gist of what I answered to all three of them.

Are you an action taker?  Do you want success more than you can consider anything else right now?  Is failure 100% NOT an option? Because if you want the big success, then it has to be that way… seriously!

Do you have goals?  Do you have achievable timescales for your goals?  Do you have a plan for how to get to your target monthly income?  Are you learning something new every day?  Are you taking action on what you are learning every single day?  Are you doing something that will move your business forward every single day?

Because if you’re not, then it’s not going to happen fast for you.   And it may not happen at all……

Mediocre action will reap mediocre results.  How much do you want success?
Yes I can show you how to do article marketing, blogging, social media marketing, paid and free marketing strategies, yes we will do co-op ads for my team and yes I am always testing out new marketing methods.

But that’s because I am stepping up and taking responsibility for my own actions.

Trust me when I say that your sponsor will NOT be the determining factor in your success. In the past I often thought like this too, always believing other people were achieving success because they had a better sponsor when I should have just been looking back at myself and taking responsibility for my own actions.

And that’s what I do now.

In my honest opinion mindset is 95% of the way to achieving success.   If you feel that this is “fluffy stuff” ;-) then I felt exactly the same when I was told this a few years ago.

But  now I realize it was one of the best pieces of advice I was given because it’s so true.

If you are “too scared” to get ‘all in’ to your business, or you’re worried about it not working – then guess what?  You’ll be right – this sort of mentality is a mentality of ‘scarcity‘ and not ‘abundance‘ and could stem from how you were brought up to feel about money!

Have you ever heard the expression:

“If you think you can, or if you think you can’t…….. You’re right!”

It’s so true.  Having the right mindset for success is absolutely key.

If you think this may be holding you back, then go and read books like “Think and Grow Rich” by Robert Kiyosaki or “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D Wattle and you may start to realize how important the whole mindset ‘thing’ is.

If you are going to be truly successful, and you truly have the desire – you will find a way whatever team or sponsor you are with.

So what do you think?  Do you agree with me, if you do, please share this post as I believe it is very important?  I’d love to hear from you – and if you have any other book recommendations to get the mindset right, I’d love to hear about them too in the comments field below.

For more MLM Recruiting Tips click here ==>

Email: Nicky@NickyPriceMarketing.com
Skype: NickyVitality
Tel: (+44) (0)7587 176155
Facebook: http://facebook.com/DiamondMLMTribe

Work with Nicky: Click Here.

P.S - Sick of Tiny MLM Pay Cheques? It's Not Your Fault! - Click Here for a Much Faster Way to Earn Upwards of $3.5k Per Month Online Click Here For Instant Access

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View the original article here

How to Tweak Your Way into Profits

make more money tweaksDo you know what the main difference between the sites that make money and the ones that don’t is?

The marketers who make money were able to figure out how to focus on the 20% of things that make up 80% of their income.

It’s that simple.

Most bullets on your to-do list today won’t make a difference to your bottom line.

Only very few will.

So why not discover what those are and focus putting them into practice?

Here are some examples of what you could do today to increase your bottom line tomorrow.

Most websites I visit on a daily basis don’t make any/much money because they are not directing their readers to their money-making pages – that simple.

A couple of weeks ago, I made a small tweak to my sidebar that resulted in an increased traffic to my money page: my internet marketing tools page.

I added the “Little Black book” image that’s sitting at the top of my sidebar right now, linking to my tools page.

The results:

add an image to make more money

The week before I added the image, I got 18 clicks to the page; mostly through the navigation link located at the top of my header.

Last week, that number was 5 times more – 85 clicks.

tweak your stats to make more money

That’s not all though.

Last week, I made another tweak to the image that took me about 30 seconds to implement.

I moved it from below the sidebar optin form to above it. Now it’s sitting above the fold.

That little change gained me another 35 clicks.




The screenshots above were taken with Google Analytics, by the way.

A very simple and free way to analyze how your readers interact with your site and what can be improved.

I actually got a few more tweaks in mind after I took a look at my stats.

You can find yours in your GA under “Content” => “In-Page Analytics”.

Or watch the video in this post to see how I use it.

Not all traffic is created equal.

Like Lisa Irby noted in one of her latest posts:

“My static site actually has 25% less organic traffic than it did this time last year. That’s the bad news.

The good news is my income has not dropped proportionately because of diversification.”

Income and traffic don’t always grow/drop proportionally.

Some of your pages might be getting more love from the search engines.

Some of them might be bringing a lot of referral traffic from another blog.

If you find a page that’s getting a surge of traffic, it’s important to make sure your monetization methods on THAT page are geared towards those specific visitors.

I’ve created this page on my blog a long time ago (it was one of the first pages at TGC, as a matter of fact).

That page serves only one purpose: to be a greeting page for most of my Twitter traffic.

I use it as a part of generating Twitter traffic with the help of TweetAdder – an automated software that generates thousands of followers over time.

Learn more about how I use Tweet Adder in my business.

All kinds of people visit the page: offline business owners, niche site affiliates, various online site owners, internet marketers, etc.

I always focused on turning that traffic into long-term readers by providing a way to join my exclusive email list, as well as deep links to other TGC posts that might be of interest to them.

Of course, some of them stayed, but even more left – the nature of our business, right?

It never occurred to me to add another tweak that was of direct interest to that specific traffic, as well as a direct monetization technique, until John Shea pointed it out to me.

As a result, I added another subheading to that post explaining to the visitors how I used Tweet Adder to bring them to my blog and linking back to the software with my affiliate link.

Took me about 30 minutes to do it (my brain was half-dead at the time).


I created a special tracking link to see how many people actually visited Tweet Adder from that page in my Thirsty Affiliates affiliate link management database.

In the last couple of days since I added the Tweet Adder links, I got 13 direct clicks to the software page.

I also included a link back to my Tweet Adder review in the post and I am sure some of the traffic went through that page to get to Tweet Adder.

Thanks for the tip, John!

Last week, I challenged my email subscribers to come up with their own monetization tweaks that can be implemented quickly (i.e. shouldn’t be a project) and have a direct impact on their bottom line.

Many of you responded to the challenge on Traffic Generation Café Facebook page – THANK YOU.

I’ll mentioned a few of your ideas in this post; both the ones that worked and the ones that are in the works.

If you feel like you missed out on the opportunity to network, brainstorm, and be mentioned at TGC, you are right – you did miss out.

Don’t let it happen again.

Join Ana’s exclusive email list to be in the loop.

Like Traffic Generation Café on Facebook and brand yourself as an expert in your niche.

Speaking of monetizing your site page by page, here’s a comment I got from Lisa Melia:

“1500 views on a post of mine today that had cute pumpkin carving ideas – did I have the brains to include a link to a carving kit even though I saw the stats rising daily??”

We are all guilty of that.

After all, it’s only money we are talking about…

Sounds like so much work…

See which pages bring traffic in Google Analytics…Think of a way to make money off that traffic…Add a few paragraphs with affiliate links or an ad to target that traffic…That’s anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes of work…

I am tired of just thinking of doing it…

SNAP OUT OF IT! Focus on what makes money and you WILL make money.

This brilliant idea of taking affiliate marketing into your own hands comes from Arturo Munoz of StartingYourOwnBusinessOvernight.com.

Here’s what Arturo does:

I reworked the logic flow of my offer fulfillment process for one of my best performing pages.

“Huh,” I hear you say?

Simple. Now keep up with me…

I have an article (http://bit.ly/OnlineJobsFromHome).

It points eventually to an affiliate video.

In earlier days, I’d just create a link and send my visitors directly from my site to my affiliate’s site and hope they’d buy there. Not anymore!

Today what I do is the following:

1. I set up a small form at the bottom of my article and squeeze visitors into it with my copy.

build your list

2. The form feeds my list.


If you haven’t started building a list yet, you are missing out on a fundamental benefit of having a loyal customer base.

Start building one today.

Aweber is the best email autoresponder I have even used, and I am not the only one. Many A-list bloggers I know also use it for their businesses.

Aweber offers a $1 trial month for all new customers.

You’ll have access to all features a paid account is entitled to: unlimited lists, email campaigns, automatic follow-ups, broadcasts, and many, many more. If after 30 days you don’t like them, just let them know and Aweber will give you your $1 back. Guaranteed. $1 Aweber Offer

3. My list feeds my autoresponder.

4. My autoresponder sends an email to my subscribed visitors with the link to the page where I’ve embedded my affiliate’s video IN MY SITE.

set up affiliate funnel with video

Note from Ana:

I noticed, Arturo, that when someone confirms their email, instead of redirecting them to the video page, you make your visitors jump through yet another hoop of going back to their inbox, opening the next email, and going to the video page through that email.

Your visitors might convert even better if you cut out this extra step.

5. The video pre-sells within the context of MY SITE.

6. Then, if the visitor is by now really HOT because of my article, my email and the affiliate video on my site, then that same video gives him the option to move on to my affiliate site for the final pitch.

7. If anyone doesn’t buy from my affiliate link, I’ve not lost that visitor.

This person is now in my mailing list and I can market to him to produce revenues in the future.

Most of these people convert. They’ve been pre-sold enough by the time that they make it to the affiliate site.

It all flows seamlessly, systematically, and automatically.

More traffic to this one page only means more automatic revenue generation.

So I focus on driving as much traffic to it as I can and tweak it to optimize it for pre-selling to a very particular type of audience – the one most likely to buy my affiliate offer.

Test, test, test…

You already heard my spiel about the importance of building your own email list.

Here are a few tweaks my readers made on their sites to increase the effectiveness of their list building.

Walter Akolo made a simple, yet very effective change:

I took a few minutes to include a popover sign-up page on my site. Worked wonders.

popup optin form works well

Here are some practical improvements Eric McLaughlin made to his site as a result of testing:

The two things that I tweaked that have made a difference were:

1.    Adding more recent post links in the sidebar.

My bounce rate went down and the total time on my site had increased by almost a full minute when I did this.

2.    The second thing I did was increase the time for my float in form from immediately to 8 seconds.

This increased my opt-in rate the day I changed the time delay.

Yes, popup forms always cause controversy, but they DO work.

The trick is not to slap your visitors with one the second they step on your site.

Let them read your content first. Get to know you a bit. Build trust.

Then they are much more likely to opt in to your list and continue reading.

My Aweber popup optin is set to pop up after 90 seconds on my blog and only every 7 days.

Here are my Skinny Notes on list building to give you a kick in the rear to start your own list or actually take your time to build a relationship with your list.

1.  Consider list building your new SEO strategy.

Your list won’t drop you from the rankings, cut your traffic off cold turkey, or make you cringe at the thought of the next algorithm change.

It won’t ban your Twitter accounts or shut down your Facebook pages.

2.   I doubled my list building since the recent redesign.

Placing your optin forms in strategic places is the key.

Don’t annoy your readers, but give them ample chance to subscribe.

Point out the benefits of joining your list.

3.   Treat your list well.

It’s not your cash machine.

Use your emails to build up your readers and their businesses.

4.   Your list will treat you well right back.

Yesterday I found a great deal on a premium WordPress plugin bundle.

Less than $10 and 5 minutes later, I was playing with my new plugins on my blog.

I liked them.

I sent an email to my subscribers letting them know about the deal.

A couple of hundred dollars later, I am still getting notifications of new sales from JVZoo and “thank you” notes from my subscribers who purchased it.


Start building your list today.

Or don’t. Either way. It’s your business.

As you’ve seen so far, the simplest things can produce the best results.

More ideas from you, my readers:

Got a skill others need? Got approach by readers about consulting or other services?

It’s time to add a “My Services” page.

Like Ryan Mendenhall:

“Nothing right now on my site directly makes me money.

So, I’m going to fix that. I’m going to add a services page.

It IS my desire to build a scalable business, so like you said in your email, I am working on a “completely new income-driving model” that will allow me to grow beyond working for an hourly wage.

But for now, I’ll toss up a services page at http://www.mendenhallcreative.com”

Or Karo Itoje:

“One thing I’ll like to implement real soon though is to set up a service offer for a certain group of people.

Ana, did you know all this talk about getting more and more traffic is not really necessary when you have a few clients who can make the whole business trouble worth it at the end of the month?

I never thought I’ll be coaching, but someone requested recently and I accepted.

We’ve had 2 sessions and 2 or more to go.

The income really came in handy. I charged per hour.

But the best part is that my student is instigating me to offer my service to the public on my site saying he’ll give me a “great testimonial” and I will because it happens I love it!

If you need an inspiration for your new service page, check out mine: http://www.trafficgenerationcafe.com/consulting/.

Consulting is not my personal favorite – I prefer to hide behind my computer rather than talk to people directly.

But it CAN be a great income generator.

Here’s another simple way to monetize your blog.

Does it work?

It didn’t for me, when I tried it in the earlier stages of TGC.

But it might work for YOUR niche.

Like Alexis from Troublesome Tots says:

Unlikely to move the needle, but readers keep ASKING me to put up a donation button (I think that’s a good sign?), so I’m going to do it & offer both Amazon and Paypal options (60% international readership).

I have low expectations, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised!

The simplest things.

Make the most difference.

20% effort.

80% outcome.

What are you doing TODAY to tweak your site?

Let me know in comments below or join our discussion on Facebook.

Always tweaking,

traffic generation cafe

Image: Jessica Brown Findlay by Mert and Marcus / Love Magazine #8 2012

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"When it comes to traffic generation, Ana knows her stuff. She provides actionable information about the latest tips, trends, and technology that can result in getting more visits to your blog or business. Not only does she give great advice, but she puts it to the test and shares the results in a regular income report so you know that her strategies really work if you are willing to put in the effort!"

Kristi Hines, Kikolani.com

"Ana has become someone I look to for a unique insight into all kinds of aspects of running an internet business, but especially for updated SEO information. She does the research and testing to back up her claims, so I refer back to her content when I need to see what is fresh and current in the world of generating traffic to your website."

Yaro Starak, Entrepreneurs-Journey.com

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