Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Generate Leads Online for Any Business

how to generate leads online

Well if you’re wondering how to generate leads for any business, I’m about to share with you one of the best kept secrets of the industry.

I have recently joined a millionaire in a business that I had avoided like the plague for nearly a year.  (If you’re wondering which one, you can see a blog post I did about it here).

But obviously the guy has got it right because he earned over a million dollars in just ONE business last year (and he has several!).    And I know his secret……

So I’ve been slowly picking his brains about how to generate leads online to see what he does on a daily basis (well come on , wouldn’t you?  ;-)   )– and he does a LOT, but there’s a couple of things he does that I paid a great deal of attention to.

But before I go into that, I just want to share a couple of things with you that are fact.

If people are finding YOUR stuff in the search engines  – and by “stuff” I mean your videos or your articles that come up when someone searches for something in Google, Bing or Yahoo, – if they then follow the link back to your website, then these are the Hottest leads you can have for your business.


Because they liked what you wrote or did in a video and therefore they can relate to your content.

These leads are FAR more likely to convert to sales or sign ups in your business if you can attract them.

Ok great!

So if you want to know how to generate leads online like this, you just need to learn on page and off page SEO,  find the right keywords that your prospects are searching for, invest a lot of time in creating backlinks to your content and invest some money in syndicating and blasting tools to get your content ranked.


Not so easy is it.  Well it’s not too bad because I have got plenty of articles that are ranking, but it can be a very time consuming  process  and although it can generate a fair bit of  wonderfully targeted traffic to your website,  if you want to have some dramatic results in your business you will always want more traffic.

So I watched what else he was doing.

And of course he is doing a lot of paid advertising which is another great way of how to generate leads online.

And here’s the thing about paid advertising.

It’s FAST and can be very effective IF you know what you’re doing.

So if you want to know how to generate leads online through paid sources, you have to learn how to do Solo Ads, PPC, PPV, etc etc. or you can just do co-ops like we do in our team so that even complete newbies can start generating online leads right away.

Which is all good.

But the traffic that you generate from paid sources of advertising doesn’t really know you and so your email marketing follow up has to be VERY good  to get the conversions to sales and sign ups.

You want the quality of lead that you get from your own content, but you want the speed and the volume of leads that you get from paid marketing.

So I probed Simon some more and I found  out what his secret tool  was that was responsible not only for lead generation, but also for generating a million dollars in income for him just last year (yes seriously !!).

But before I tell you what that tool is, I want to just explain why it is so successful.

The psyche around successful online lead generation

Remember we said that your own content generates the highest quality leads?  Well what if you could do a paid  source of advertising that was around your own quality content or around other  quality content in your niche that matched your own brand.

Simply put – what if you put a banner advert around either your content or around similar targeted articles that would pique the readers interest?

Combine paid banner advertising around targeted content that matches your niche.

The techie people who test all this sort of stuff have proved that this is fast becoming a TOP method of advertising because if a banner is right next to related content, then it converts well.  Which is great news.

Well okay, to describe it as a tool is actually misleading because it is a massively successful company (and business opportunity) in its own right.

Banners Broker

Think of the top 5 companies on the internet.

Facebook, Google, YouTube, Yahoo and Baidu (who?)

What do they all have in common? – Well, they generate their biggest streams of revenue from advertising.  So they take your money and generate huge amounts of profit from you from every campaign that you do.

And this is what Banners Broker does.  They post your banners on targeted sites that are in your business niche, but the biggest and coolest thing about this company is the opportunity that comes with it.

If you buy an ad/pub combo membership you can not only choose where your banners go to get targeted traffic back to your advert or offer, but (as the name would suggest)  YOU also become the broker for other ads and can therefore make money from it.

And if you’re anything like Simon, my sponsor, then you can make a million dollars in a single year from it.;-)

Now if you immediately think – well I couldn’t do that because I wouldn’t know where to start in selling banner ads, well rest assured you don’t even have to lift a finger.  It’s all done for you (It’s soooo easy and sooo low maintenance it’s untrue!).

You simply purchase the ad panels at cost price and they go off and sell them for you making YOU a tidy profit .

It’s the perfect solution for how to generate leads online as well as making a BIG profit, and I love it.

(I also love watching my panels earning ME an income whilst watching the traffic coming in to my pages from the banners I’m placing.)

So if you want to take the advice of a millionaire sponsor on how to generate leads online for any business, whilst generating an income, then why not take a look  Click Here ==>

banners broker

Skype: NickyVitality
Tel: (+44) (0)7587 176155

Work with Nicky: Click Here.

P.S - Sick of Tiny MLM Pay Cheques? It's Not Your Fault! - Click Here for a Much Faster Way to Earn Upwards of $3.5k Per Month Online Click Here For Instant Access

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